Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Redefining Beautiful : Day Nine

Give her a hand for being a newly wed, because that is quite the accomplishment. Two months. Is that still newly weds? Whatever. She's great & she is my treasured girl. Her words hold so much value because they hold so much truth. Whether the plug your ears & scream reality I've been all too avoiding, or the encouraging words of strength that give me a second wind of you can do it, this girl is truth. & a friendship built on truth is a trustworthy one. So there's a bonus.

Let me share with you my personal cheerleader & fellow dreamer.
My woman of compassion.
She's a real gem.


Among the definitions presented by our lovely guest writers thus far, each has encompassed a redefined version of a word we previously gave little to no reflection. We already know what beautiful is, right? We’ve already decided on our definition and don’t need to reconsider it.

Then why do you still wonder at your beauty?

Why do you still question how pieces and parts of your body and inner self could co-exist?

Why do you doubt the way you were created?

And so today we are reflecting. We are reconsidering. We are wondering. But not at ourselves – it is instead at the definition we thought we knew.

The second “U” in beautiful stands for unconditional. To have beauty and consider yourself beautiful is an unconditional act on your part. It means you accept yourself completely – scars, imperfections, wrinkles, sags, and all. It means you put aside those magnified mirrors and bright lights and instead embrace your natural reflection. It’s an end to scrutinizing, nitpicking, analyzing, and criticizing. It’s the dismissal of thoughts that bring you down and the renewing of thoughts that lift you up.

To be beautiful is unconditional – without condition. It does not matter how long or short your hair is; it does not change despite the clothes you are wearing; it is not affected by your height, weight, or eye colour. There is no set list of qualities and characteristics you must possess to be classified as beautiful.

I won’t disagree that there are things about ourselves we would like to change. But the difference is that you can accept yourself even with those disappointments weighing on your mind. They are not shortcomings or permanent hindrances but instead merely just improvements waiting to happen. If you get to them today – you can cross it off your list. If you need more time – you can still love and accept your outer and inner self until you find the time.

Know why?

Because you are already accepted. You are already loved – and it’s unconditional love. There is someone who knew you before you were born and loves every imperfection you hold, because you are perfect in your imperfections to Him. And you are beautiful.


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