Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Redefining Beautiful : Day Ten

A California dweller & an Ohioan at heart. Maybe I'm dreaming out of selfishness, but only because the girl's an incredible friend & I love her hugs. & her voice is like butter, which translates as she can sing (in which I'll be sure to link you up with in the fine print). She is fun & sensible & lovely. She has the ability to turn a trip for gum & Andes mints into a party of excitement.

Here is beauty from a beholder.
Our lovely woman of joy.


I've been worrying about having a small part in this post about beauty. Ever since Sam asked me to take part in this series, that small voice in my head started shouting unpleasant things like "Why would she choose you?" and "You're not good enough for this." and my favorite "How can you talk about beauty when you can't even see beauty in yourself."
So as I've been pondering and worrying about what to write for a week and a half, I decided to ask The Lord for help. To show me what to write rather than rely on myself for guidance. And it's so funny because I seem to have set high expectations for God when it comes to new revelation of things, but most of the time it's the smallest things that end up blowing me away. And he did just that: 

About 4 years ago, The Lord started working in my heart about Love. What it is. Where it came from. Why we want it so badly. And 4 years ago while vacuuming out a doctors office my dad used to clean, he revealed all there is to know about Love. True Love. 

I was asking the wrong questions for a while. He showed me that Love is not a what... But a Who. Who is Love? And the answer is simple: Jesus. Messiah. King of Kings. He is Love. True Love. Without Jesus, there is no Love. He embodies all there is to know about it.
And I know we've all heard our entire lives "Jesus is Love". But that is such a small detail we think is easy to grasp but in the whole of things, I think it's probably the hardest. I don't know about you but trying to grasp the concept that Love is a Man is an idea that I want to stubbornly reject because as a small little human, I want it to be a thing.
Having said all, if we know Love is a man - Jesus. And Love is BEAUTIFUL and we were made in the image of God the Son... it all makes sense.
LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL. Jesus is Beautiful. We are the Bride of Christ made in his image so if He - Love of all - is the most beautiful thing in this universe that even the earth declares his beauty, than there shouldn't even be a question of our beauty. For God so LOVED the world. JESUS is our beauty, and when we abide in Him and live in Him as one, Beauty naturally radiates from our bones because it can't help not to.
It's simple really. And I'll say it again and again. You are made in the image of Christ Jesus - LOVE and BEAUTY ITSELF in the form of a man. And He is the most beautiful of all. So if you've been formed from Love and Beauty since inside your mothers womb, that is WHO you are. Not what you are. You ARE beautiful. It's in your DNA.

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